Shahed Ballan
After failing up with many ideas and recieving negative feedbacks on each, we deleted our two ideas and came to the most important and...

Blood Brothers
I will be talking about talking about the 3 aspects of the documentary ‘Blood Brothers’. This documentary has a powerful message and they...

Ed's Story
Recently I have watched a short documentary called Ed’s story; it ain’t over. This documentary is about a man named Ed Dobson and he is...

Our Trip To Mina Bazaar
Two weeks ago we went on a trip to Bur Dubai Meena Bazaar; it’s this old souq that attracts tourists and it’s very different from how...

Starting Our Studio 2 Unit
After a long hard work in Trimester 3, we started our studio 2 unit. All of the students were excited and looked forward for our next...

Term Three Finale'
This will be my last blog related to trimester three. I have went through a lot of experiences that helped me in gaining the required...

King Speech Production Design
Between our 2 days of production, while I was having a day-off, I had the opportunity of watching the movie The King's Speech, and...

Lighting Design and mood American Beauty (LO Number 8)
I have recently watched Sam Mendes's 2000 movie "American beauty" and decided to write about how the lighting of a scene can affect the...

During our last class in week 12, we had to mark ourselves and be honest about how we did within trimester 3. A paper was handed in for...

Management Principles Within Pre-Production
In this blog, I'm gonna discuss a few points our group did well, and some other points were I personally think we could've done better...