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Management Principles Within Pre-Production

In this blog, I'm gonna discuss a few points our group did well, and some other points were I personally think we could've done better on. The good thing of doing a wrong thing, is learning from your mistakes and making sure you individually won't do it again.

Scheduling for our documents went well as expected, as a group, we worked hard and we finished early and met our deadlines. After finishing our required paper work, we started scouting locations and casting process. With the help of the producer, We managed to organize the casting were people came to try out and see if they were fit for their roles. Even though a lot of actors got refused, we found the people that perfectly fits our script.

For our location scounting, It also went as planned. Firs of all, we got a rejection to shoot in a public place. But afterwards, as a group, we used problem-solving skills and searched for villas instead. After checking few places, we found a villa that has a good exterior and interior that we can take advantage of. Also, an open road infront of the house was provided to us for our car scenes. Therefore, It really helped us having three different locations in one place which made our transportation way easier.

Due to finishing early in pre-production phase, it allowed us dealing with problems that was created out of nowhere. For example, we didn't finish our shooting schedule on time. But because our group worked well together, and helped each other out when needed, we managed to solve this problem. It's a skill we shared among each other, acting seriously about each single paper work even if it was not your responsibility for doing it. We had the same goal, to produce a successful project and submit good footage. Also, we wanted our audience to get entertained while watching it, and our hopes goes to achieve that goal.

I should feel safe to say that we had mis-communication among each other. Therefore, it caused many problems that would've led to serious problems such as breaking up the group into pieces. We learned that communication is important. Thinking about the group rather than thinking about yourself, is necassary.

Facing audio problems on set was stressful. Our boom operator faced problems due to lag of the devices we booked. The only solution for us was recording sounds with the help of iphone. We could've planned it before and tried each device before heading to our set. And that's a thing we learnt a lot from.

For me and some other members in my group, we realized that we could've done better in pre-prdoction. Our gaffer and Editior did the most of the paper works even though it was not their responsibility. But, they got the credits for each document they did. They helped my laziness and wanted to work hard for the project no matter how much time they spent doing it. I would like to thank them for helping us moving a step forward after our pre-production phase, we wouldn't be able to do it without them.

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