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The Leader (Reshel Shah Kapoor)

Some people say that I'm writting this blog to gain extra credits, or to be the spoiled student in her class, well, maybe.

No I'm messing around, the real reason for me to write this blog was for several reasons such as,

I was born in a family that raised me on loving and respecting every teacher or proffessor I have ever met, and do nothing but make them proud and show them true hard work, because on the other hand, they are doing a lot for us and they're preparing us to be bosses in our feilds in the future.

Resh, Our prof in Studio Units in the previous trimester and the current one, helped us moving to a complete other stage in our lives, We came into her first class as amateurs that are seeking to explore the film field, and now we almost passed trimester 4 and 75% of our journey in SAE where we feel more responsible towards our studies.

The main reason behind this blog is us, her students, feeling proud of her for her upcoming documantery. After watching her final cut of the project that was full of hope,joy and caring about humanity which is the most important case in the world, we felt that one day, we are willing to do the same thing. As for me in photography, I try to seek cases that talks about my country, or humanity cases such as refugees or war. Amazing people are those who explore the world just to draw a smile on the faces of people who deserves way more than that, and those amazing people inspire us to work hard to do the same thing one day.


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