Good KPIs

1. Positive Attitude: I kept showing my team mates positivity after the problems we faced. It's important as a team leader ' Director + producer ) to never let any negative issue affect my team mates so they dont stop caring about the project or get bored in a way or another. After searching for a topic so hard that got us late to start our production phase, I kept the positive attitude shown and planted hope and patience in my team mates.
2. Problem-Solving Skills: In a documantery, we all face unexpected problems that needs to be solved on spot. For example, we faced many obstacles but we passed them successfuly. First of all we didn't find a proper topic that got us the support we need, and when we did, our main characters got shy infront of the camera and I personally tried convincing them to talk as if there is no one that is shooting them. I made my characters feel comfortable infront of us and that lead to them talking fluently and giving us the information we needed.
3. Working Well under pressure: For some, it is so hard to work well under pressure and thats natural and it depends on human nature. For me, I find solutions real quick when im pressured and my focus go fully on the topic and it ends up with us having the footage we need. I learned from my experience of filming a documantery that working well under pressure is the main KPI that everyone should do and practice on. For example, the coach we tried to film at the beginning refused to talk to the camera and to be interviewed which costs us a 3rd day of shooting, but luckily I managed to talk to her and convince her to do what we wanted and that released the pressure we felt.