Ed's Story

Recently I have watched a short documentary called Ed’s story; it ain’t over. This documentary is about a man named Ed Dobson and he is reminding his audience that life isn’t over yet and that we do not have to feel overwhelmed by all the struggles that we are facing today or will be facing. Sometimes when getting bad news is discouraging and sometimes makes us feel like our lives are over. Ed shows us that we don’t know what the future holds for us and that things may turn out quite differently from what we imagined.
This documentary really stands out to its audience, as the edit is slow paced, it takes its time with unraveling what the story and who the story is about . It’s not until the end that we see who is talking and who the documentary is about. Throughout the whole thing it keeps the audience engaged with what is happening on screen. It makes use of static shots as well as moving shots, it also has reenactments in the documentary.
The documentary is directed really well, it’s an interesting story, the main subject is really full of life and is positive and it reflects in the final edit that I have watched. I feel for him but it’s good to see that he is still living his life. He has been through though times but his friends have inspired him to keep moving.